Scott Nelson

Doctoral Student in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences


Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


Scott Nelson


B.A., Biological Sciences, University of Chicago (2010)


Research Interests

I am broadly interested in wildlife conservation and restoration ecology. More specifically, my research interests include the linkages between spatiotemporal heterogeneity at multiple scales, wildlife population ecology, and predator-prey interactions. Because invasive plant species are such a prevalent component of modern ecosystems I have become quite interested in understanding their effects on native wildlife populations.


Personal Interests

I relish opportunities to view and photograph wildlife and nature, and I especially love traveling to places where I can see large mammals. Otherwise, biking, hiking, driving, cooking, listening to music, listening to music while cooking or driving, head banging, reading, journaling, singing, and drumming are some of my favorite activities. I also love nerdy games (e.g., Magic the Gathering), politics, zoos, natural history museums, and chilling out with my cat.



Dickcissel Habitat Selection and Breeding Ecology in Grasslands Invaded by Exotic Grasses


Select Publications

Bright, L.J., N. Kambesis, S.B. Nelson, B. Jeong, and A.P. Turkewitz. 2010. Compreshensive analysis reveals dynamic and evolutionary plasticity of Rab GTPases and mebrane traffic in tetrahymena thermophila. PLoS Genet 6(10): e1001155.doe:10.1371/journal.pgen.1001155



D. Jen, S. Nelson, and J. Miller. The Spatial and Territorial Dynamics of Male Dickcissels (Spiza americana) Throughout Their Breeding Cycle. ACES Undergraduate Research Symposium. Urbana, IL. 2015. (Poster presentation)


S. Nelson and J. Miller. Habitat preferences and reproductive success in the dickcissel. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN. 2015. (Oral presentation)


M. Gusztyn, R. Kumar, S. Nelson, and J. Miller. Assessing whether male Dickcissels prefer to settle in habitats where they achieve the greatest reproductive success. Researchers Initiative Poster Symposium. Urbana, IL. (Poster presentation)


Halaney, D., S. Nelson, and V. Tandukar. The differences in the diversity of ground-dwelling arthropod taxa under large and small trees. South African National Parks Staff Assembly, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 2009.



Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois
W411 Turner Hall
1102 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801


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