Reprints are available for download as PDFs for personal use. Please do not redistribute PDFs available on this web page.
Miller, J.R., and B.T. Bestelmeyer. 2016. What’s wrong with novel ecosystems, really? Restoration Ecology 24:577-582.(Editor’s choice) (pdf)
- Scasta, J.D., C.J. Duchardt, D.M. Engle, J.R. Miller, D.M. Debinski, and R.N. Harr. 2016. Constraints to restoring fire and grazing ecological processes to optimize grassland vegetation structural diversity. Ecological Engineering 95:865-875. (pdf)
Duchardt, C.J., J.R. Miller, D.M. Debinski, and D.M. Engle. 2016. Adapting the fire-grazing interaction to small patches in a fragmented landscape for grassland bird conservation. Rangeland Ecology and Management 69:300-309. (pdf)
- McGranahan, D.A., T. Hovick, D. Elmore, D.M. Engle, S.D. Fuhlendorf, S.L. Winter, J.R. Miller, and D.M. Debinski. 2016. Temporal variability in aboveground biomass decreases as spatial heterogeneity increases. Ecology 97:555-560. (pdf)
- Fischer, J.D., S.C. Schneider, Ahlers, and J.R. Miller. 2015. Categorizing wildlife responses to urbanization and conservation implications of terminology. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12451. (pdf)
- Fischer, J.D., and J.R. Miller. 2015. Direct and indirect effects of anthropogenic bird food on population dynamics of a songbird. Acta Oecologica 69:46-51. (pdf)
- Lyons, T.P., J.R. Miller, D.M. Engle, and D.M. Debinski. 2015. Identifying factors related to predator-specific patterns of nest loss in managed grasslands. Ecological Applications 25:1956-1605.
- Schneider, S.C., J.D. Fischer, and J.R. Miller. 2015. Two-sided edge response of avian assemblages in an urban landscape. Urban Ecosystems 18:539-551. (pdf)
McGranahan, D.A., D.M. Engle, J.T. Mulloy, J.R. Miller, and D.M. Debinski. 2014. Land use history and an invasive grass affect tallgrass prairie sedge community composition in upland grassland. Applied Vegetation Science 18:539-551. (pdf)
- McGranahan, D.A., A. Daigh, J.J. Veenstra, D.M. Engle, J.R. Miller, and D.D. Debinski. 2014. Connecting soil organic carbon and root biomass with land use and vegetation in temperate grassland. Scientific World Journal DOI:10.1155/2014/487563. (pdf)
Cleeton, S.H., and J.R. Miller. 2014. Assessing the response of woodland songbirds to invasive vegetation in a metropolitan environment. Condor 116:459-471. (pdf)
Harr, R.N., Morton, L. Wright, S.R. Rusk, D.M. Engle, J.R. Miller, and D.M. Debinski. 2014. Landowners’ perceptions of risk in grassland management: Woody plant encroachment and prescribed fire. Ecology and Society 19(2):41. (pdf)
Frasz, L.M., J.D. Fischer, and J.R. Miller. 2014. Effects of experience and a visual aid on ptilochronology. Journal of Ornithology 155:319-322. (pdf)
- Hovick, T.J., and J.R. Miller. 2013. Broad-scale heterogeneity at multiple scales influences parasitism rates of a grassland bird. Landscape Ecology 28:1493-1503. (pdf)
Moranz, R.A., D.M. Debinski, L. Winkler, J. Trager, D.A. McGranahan, D.M. Engle, and J.R. Miller. 2013. Effects of grassland management practices on ant functional groups. Journal of Insect Conservation 17:699-713. (pdf)
Moranz, R.A., D.M. Debinski, D.A. McGranahan, D.M. Engle, and J.R. Miller. 2013. Untangling the effects of fire, grazing, and land-use legacies on prairie butterfly communities. Biodiversity and Conservation 21:2719-2746. (pdf)
McGranahan, D.A., D.M. Engle, S.D. Fuhlendorf, J.R. Miller, D.M. Debinski. 2013. Multivariate analysis of rangeland vegetation and soil organic carbon describes degradation, informs restoration and conservation. Land 2:328-350. (pdf)
Standish, R., R. Hobbs, and J. Miller. 2013. Improving city life: options for ecological restoration in urban landscapes and how these influence interactions between humans and nature. Landscape Ecology 28:1213-1221(invited paper). (pdf)
McGranahan, D.A., D.M. Engle, S.D. Fuhlendorf, S.L. Winter, J.R. Miller and D.M. Debinski. 2013. Inconsistent outcomes of heterogeneity-based management underscore importance of matching evaluation to conservation objectives. Environmental Science & Policy 31:53–60. (pdf)
McGranahan, D.A., D.M. Engle, J.R. Miller, and D.M. Debinski. 2013. An invasive grass increases live fuel proportion and reduces fire spread in a simulated grassland. Ecosystems 16:158-169. (pdf)
Miller, J.R. 2012. Avian conservation in urban environments – what do ecologists bring to the table? Studies in Avian Biology 45:201-214. (invited paper)
McGranahan, D.A., D.M. Engle, B.J. Wilsey, S.D. Fuhlendorf, J.R. Miller, and D.M. Debinksi. 2012. Grazing and an invasive grass confound spatial pattern of exotic and native grassland plant species richness. Basic and Applied Ecology 13:654-662. (pdf)
Fischer, J.D., S.H. Cleeton, T.P. Lyons, and J.R. Miller. 2012. Urbanization and the predation paradox: the role of trophic dynamics in structuring wildlife communities. Bioscience 62:809-818. (pdf)
McGranahan, D.A., D.M. Engle, S.D. Fuhlendorf, S.J. Winter, J.R. Miller, and D.M. Debinski. 2012. Spatial heterogeneity across five rangelands managed with pyric herbivory. Journal of Applied Ecology 49:903-910. (pdf)
LeBrun, J.J., W.E. Thogmartin, and J.R. Miller. 2012. Examining the ability of regional models to predict local avian abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1177-1187. (pdf)
McGranahan, D.A., D.M. Engle, S.D. Fuhlendorf, J.R. Miller, and D.M. Debinski. 2012. An invasive cool-season grass complicates prescribed fire management in a native warm-season grassland. Natural Areas Journal 32:208-214. (pdf)
Miller, J.R., D.M. Engle, L. Wright Morton, D.M. Debinski, and R.N. Harr. 2012. Nature reserves as catalysts for landscape change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10:144-152. (pdf)
Hovick, T.M., J.R. Miller, S.J. Dinsmore, D.M. Engle, D.M. Debinski, and S.D. Fuhlendorf. 2012. Effects of fire and grazing on grasshopper sparrow nest survival in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:19-27. (pdf)
Debinski, D.M., R.A. Moranz, J.T. Delaney, J.R. Miller, D.M. Engle, A.L. Stephenson, M.K. Gillespie, L.B. Winkler, D.A. McGranahan, J.C. Trager, and R.J. Barney. 2011. A cross-taxonomic comparison of insect responses to grassland management and land-use legacies. Ecosphere 2(12): Article 131. (pdf)
Pillsbury, F.C., J.R. Miller, D.M. Debinski, and D.M. Engle. 2011. Another tool in the toolbox? Using fire and grazing to promote bird diversity in highly fragmented grasslands. Ecosphere 2(3): article 28. (pdf)
- Hovick, T.M., J.R. Miller, R.R. Koford, D.M. Engle, and D.M. Debinski. 2011. Postfledging survival of Grasshopper Sparrows in grassland managed with fire and grazing. Condor 113:429-437. (pdf)
Morton, L. Wright, E. Regen, D.M. Engle, J.R. Miller, and R.N. Harr. 2010. Perceptions of landowners concerning conservation grazing, fire, and eastern redcedar management in tallgrass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63: 645-654. (pdf)
- Tóth, S.F., R.G. Haight, S.A. Snyder, S. George, J.R. Miller, M. Gregory, and A.M. Skibbe. 2009. Reserve selection with minimum contiguous area restrictions: an application to open space protection planning in suburban Chicago. Biological Conservation 142:1617-1627. (pdf)
- Thompson, J.R., G.R. Hess, T.A. Bowman, H. Magnusdottir, C.E. Stubbs-Gipson, M. Groom, J.R. Miller, T.A. Steelman, and D.L. Stokes. 2009. Collaborative graduate education across multiple campuses. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 38:16-26. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., S.A. Snyder, A.M. Skibbe, and R.G. Haight. 2009. Prioritizing conservation targets in a rapidly urbanizing landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning 93:123-131. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., M. Groom, G.R. Hess, T.A. Steelman, D.L. Stokes, J.R. Thompson, T.A. Bowman, L. Fricke, B. King, and R. Marquardt. 2009. Biodiversity conservation in local planning. Conservation Biology: 23:53-63. (pdf)
- Pillsbury, F.C., and J.R. Miller. 2008. Habitat and landscape characteristics underlying anuran community structure along an urban-rural gradient. Ecological Applications 18:1107-1118. (pdf)
- Skibbe, A.M., and J.R. Miller. 2008. Alternative future scenarios for open space protection in Kane County, Illinois. Journal of Conservation Planning 4:19-36. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R. 2008. Conserving biodiversity in metropolitan landscapes: a matter of scale (but which scale?). Landscape Journal 27:114-126. (invited paper) (pdf)
- Lindemayer, D., R. Hobbs, J. Miller, and others. 2008. A checklist for ecological management of landscapes for conservation. Ecology Letters 11:78-91. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R. 2007. Habitat and landscape design: concepts, constraints, and opportunities. Pages 75-89 in D.M. Lindenmayer and R.J. Hobbs, editors. Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation: Moving from Perspectives to Principles. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
- Snyder, S.A., J.R. Miller, A.M. Skibbe, and R.G. Haight. 2007. Habitat acquisition strategies for grassland birds in an urbanizing landscape. Environmental Management 40:981-992. (pdf)
- Vogel, J.A., D.M. Debinski, R.R. Koford, and J.R. Miller. 2007. Butterfly responses to prairie restoration through fire and grazing. Biological Conservation 140:78-90. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., and R.J. Hobbs. 2007. Habitat restoration – do we know what we’re doing? Restoration Ecology 15:382-390. (pdf)
- Brudvig, L., C.M. McMullen, J. R. Miller, and T.A. Walker. 2007. Evaluation of central North American prairie management based on species diversity, lifeform, and individual species metrics. Conservation Biology 21:864-874. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R. 2006. A reply to Mehtälä and Vuorisalo: changing values or wishful thinking? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21:116-117.(pdf)
- Miller, J.R. 2006. Restoration, reconciliation, and reconnecting with nature nearby. Biological Conservation 127:356-361. (invited paper) (pdf)
- Miller, J.R. 2005. Biodiversity conservation and the extinction of experience. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20:430-434. (invited paper) (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., M.D. Dixon, and M.G. Turner. 2004. Response of avian communities in large-river floodplains to environmental variation at multiple scales. Ecological Applications 14:1394-1410. (pdf)
- Turner, M.G., S.E. Gergel, M.D. Dixon, and J.R. Miller. 2004. Distribution and abundance of trees in floodplain forests of the Wisconsin River: environmental influences at different scales. Journal of Vegetation Science 15:729-738. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., M.M. Wagner, and R. Nelson. 2004. Ecology and education in landscape architecture. Landscape Review 9:167-170.
- Miller, J.R., M.G. Turner, E.H. Stanley, E.A.H. Smithwick, and L.C. Dent. 2004.Spatial extrapolation: the science of predicting ecological patterns and processes. BioScience 54:310-320. (pdf)
- Bestelmeyer, B.T., J.R. Miller, and J.A. Wiens. 2003. Applying species diversity theory to land management. Ecological Applications 13:1750-1761.(pdf)
- Miller, J.R., J.A. Wiens, N.T. Hobbs, and D.M. Theobald. 2003. The effect of human settlement on bird communities in lowland riparian areas of Colorado(USA). Ecological Applications 13:1041-1059. (pdf)
- Gergel, S.E., M.G. Turner, J.R. Miller, J.M. Melack, and E.H. Stanley. 2002. Landscape indicators of human impacts on riverine systems. Aquatic Science 64:118-128. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., and R.J. Hobbs. 2002. Conservation where people live and work. Conservation Biology 16:330-337. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., J.M. Fraterrigo, N.T. Hobbs, D.M. Theobald, and J.A. Wiens. 2001. Urbanization, avian communities, and landscape ecology. Pages 117-137 in J. M. Marzluff, R. Bowman, R. McGowan, and R. Donnelly, editors. Avian Ecology and Conservation in an Urbanizing World. Kluwer, New York.
- Miller, J.R., and P. Cale. 2000. Behavioral mechanisms and habitat use by birds in a fragmented agricultural landscape. Ecological Applications 10:1732-1748. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., and N.T. Hobbs. 2000. Recreational trails, human activity,and nest predation in lowland riparian areas. Landscape and Urban Planning 50:227-236. (pdf)
- Miller, J.R., J.A. Wiens, and N.T. Hobbs. 2000. How does urbanization affect bird communities in riparian habitats? An approach and preliminary assessment. Pages 427-440 in J. Craig, N. Mitchell, and D. Saunders, editors. Nature Conservation in Production Environments: Managing the Matrix. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales.
- Theobald, D.M., J.R. Miller, and N.T. Hobbs. 1997. Estimating the cumulative effects of development on wildlife habitat. Landscape and Urban Planning 39:25-36. (pdf)
- Duerksen, C.J., D.L. Elliott, N.T. Hobbs, E. Johnson, and J.R. Miller. 1997. Habitat Protection Planning: Where the Wild Things Are. American Planning Association Planning Advisory Service Report 470/471, Chicago.
- Miller, J.R., L.A. Joyce, R.L. Knight, and R.M. King. 1996. Landscape patterns and road density in the Southern Rocky Mountains. Landscape Ecology 11:115-127.
- Elliot, D., C. Duerksen, N.T. Hobbs, and J.R. Miller. 1996. Managing Landscapes for Wildlife and People: A Habitat Protection Handbook. Clarion Associates, Denver, Colorado.
- Miller, J. R., T.T. Schulz, N.T. Hobbs, K.R. Wilson, D.L. Schrupp, and W.L. Baker. 1995. Changes in the landscape structure of a southeastern Wyoming riparian zone following shifts in stream dynamics. Biological Conservation 72:371-379.
- Miller, J.R., and N.T. Hobbs. 1994. Effect of forage hydration on lag time during in vitro digestion of meadowgrass hay. Grass and Forage Science 49:107-110.