Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
B.S., Pre-Graduate Biology, Central Michigan University (2014) - summa cum laude
Research Interests
I am passionate about conservation, especially application-oriented research that involves wildlife-human interactions and human impacts on ecosystems. Addressing these complex problems requires a social-ecological systems perspective, and to this end I am particularly interested in integrating ecology and social science. My ultimate goal is to understand the drivers of biodiversity loss, and to help devise effective strategies for mitigating and reversing these losses. Doing so will require the reconciliation of human land uses with the needs of native species.
Personal Interests
In my non-working hours I enjoy hiking, taking photos of insects, growing vegetables, and spending time with my partner Evan, our dogs Fancy and Lupa, and many other small pets in our menagerie, including cats, newts, and guinea pigs. On the rare occasion we aren’t spending our down-time outside, I also love reading dystopian novels, advocating for social justice, cooking overly-complicated vegetarian meals, and watching sci-fi TV shows.
Ecological and Social Reponses to an Invasive Grass (Schenodorus phoenix) in Working Grasslands
Select Publications
Coon, J.J., S.B. Nelson, I.A. Bradley, A.C. West, and J.R. Miller. Parental infanticide in Dickcissels (Spiza americana): video evidence and a review of potential mechanisms. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. In Press.
Nelson, S.B., J.J. Coon, C.J. Duchardt, J.D. Fischer, S.J. Halsey, A.J. Kranz, C.M. Parker, S.C. Schneider, T.M. Swartz, and J.R. Miller. 2017. Patterns and mechanisms of invasive plant impacts on North American birds: a systematic review. Biological Invasions 19(5): 1547-1563.
Coon, J.J., M. Atkin, L. Gabriel, and W.M. Pangle. 2015. Food choice of red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) in a rehabilitation setting in Shepherd, MI: Behavioral insights from novel methods. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation 35:15-22.
Coon, J.J., and W.M. Pangle. 2015. Too hot to handle: Climate change and adaptive evolution in vertebrates. EvoS Journal: The Journal of Evolutionary Studies Consortium 7:1-9.
Select Presentations
Coon, J.J., L.W. Morton, and J.R. Miller. Landowner attitudes toward non-native plants, native wildlife, and grassland management. Grand River Grasslands Symposium: Ten Years of Research - Key Findings and Future Directions, Lamoni, IA. May, 2017. (oral presentation - invited)
Duchardt, C.J., J.J. Coon, and J.R. Miller. Grassland bird response to fire, grazing, and herbicide. Grand River Grasslands Symposium: Ten Years of Research - Key Findings and Future Directions, Lamoni, IA. May, 2017. (oral presentation – invited)
Coon, J.J., and J.R. Miller. Habitat and livelihoods: the effects of a non-native plant on grassland wildlife in a complex human-dominated environment. US Section of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE), Baltimore, MD. April, 2017. (poster presentation)
Nelson, S.B., J.J. Coon, I.A. Bradley, and J.R. Miller. Defining the consequences of anthropogenic habitat change: Impacts of plant invasions and land conversion on grassland bird nest ecology. Oral presentation at the Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, Urbana, IL. March, 2017. (oral presentation)
Coon, J.J., and J.R. Miller. Grassland bird response to removal of the invasive grass tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus). Graduates in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Urbana, IL. Feb, 2017 (oral presentation)
Coon, J.J. and J.R. Miller. Tall fescue in a social-agricultural system. Poster at Graduates in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium in Urbana, Illlinois.. February, 2016. (best poster award)
Coon, J.J. Women scientists, gendered environmental movements, and climate change vulnerabilities: A call for public and private empowerment. The Initiative on Climate Adaptation Research and Understanding through the Social Sciences (ICARUS) Fourth Global Meeting in Urbana, Illinois. April, 2015. (oral presentation)
Coon, J.J., and J.R Miller. Tall fescue as a dual ecological-agricultural problem: The effects of an invasive grass on avian communities in an agricultural landscape. The Illinois Chapter of The Wildlife Society (ICTWS), Urbana, Illinois. April, 2015. (poster presentation)
Department of Natural Resources & Environmental
University of Illinois
W411 Turner Hall
1102 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801